Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Japan Nara Deer Park - My Eventful Day Trip

You see, the reason why I was really looking forward to this Japan trip got to do with visiting Japan's Nara Deer Park

Deers are one of the pretty/cute creatures that I like. The others being fox, owl and porcupine.

But the day didn't start off well with rain and strong wind due to Typhoon 14. We were hoping that the weather will turn better when we reached Nara but tough luck!

My Favourite Pair of NIKE Sneakers Abandoned

And the NIKE sneakers that I hardly wore fell apart as we were heading to the entrance of the park. I had to change into another pair of shoes that were really more meant for Singapore's humid weather. It was not covered (had patterned holes etc) and made of fabric. Due to the rain, I decided not to wear my tights and get my feet soaked. 

We tried to find another pair of sneakers before venturing into the Nara Deer Park. But the early hours only meant limited choices for me and Nara really isn't the most fashionable place to buy sneakers.

So optimistically, I went about looking for the pretty deers...

Scary Deer Warning

The walk in the park was nice but cold... My "ba zhang"/dumpling pics say all. At one point, my almost frozen feet got me so cold that I had to huddle up and rest. I regretted not bringing my boots to Japan as I was almost frozen to death. It was quite miserable for a while.

However, Nara is still a beautiful place to visit, even with a overcast sky. If you love nature, Nara is a must go place, only 40 mins away from Osaka. And it's amusing to see so many free roaming deers that are so tame. They're really comfortable with humans and oh so cute!

 We only visited one temple in Nara, the Todaiji Temple.

Cold & Wet Outside Todaiji Temple

It's a majestic temple with a huge Buddha statue. The whole building actually houses the mega-huge Buddha statue.

On the way out, we saw a group of naughty school boys disturbing the deers by tempting them with rice crackers and confusing them with a horse face mask!

It gave us a good laugh for a few mins.

When we reached Kofukuji Temple, I was worn out by the cold and my wet feet and the long queue into the temple was a put off. So, we decided against going in.

Leaving Nara Deer Park, a Udon shop with a long queue beckoned.

They had this cute couple Udon, 1 for the guy and 1 for the gal.

The guy's one comes wrapped like a package with egg and the gal's one have a sweet deer on the top of the egg! Kawaii to the max! The guy's soup is salty with slightly salty egg, whereas the gal's soup base is sweeter with sweeter egg too.

Nara is really everything about the deers, even the top of a shopping arcade.

After the tummy warming meal, we made our way back to Osaka.

If you have the JR pass, you can take the train to JR-Nara Station which is a 10 mins walk to the entrance of Nara Park. The Kinetsu Nara station is nearer but it isn't covered by the JR pass.

Leaving A Bit Of Me Behind In Nara

I've yet to cover Nara and really take in the scenery and what it has to offer and will want to visit Nara again.

'Til then, Sayonara!

**Read more about my Japan trip here.**

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